Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sony Keluarkan Ponsel Walkman Android

Setelah vendor-vendor berebut meluncurkan Android dalam platform ponsel pintar dan tablet, kini giliran Sony Ericsson meluncurkan ponsel Walkman™ Android pertama disela Pameran International Communication Expo & Conference (ICC) di Jakarta Convention Center, Rabu (8/6).

Sebelum Ponsel Walkman W8 ini, Sony Ericsson sudah memiliki beberapa platform ponsel pintar berbasis Android seperti Xperia Arc, Xperia Mini Pro, Xperia 10 dan beberapa lainnya.

Djunadi Satrio, Kepala Marketing Sony Ericsson Indonesia, mengatakan bahwa ponsel Walkman itu memungkinkan akses cepat menuju playlist dan pemutar Walkman™ serta dilengkapi dengan stereo headset MH410.

"Kunci peforma ponsel ini terletak diantara perpaduan Android dan pemutar musik terbaru Sony Ericsson," katanya.

Ponsel yang berjalan dalam sistem operasi Android 2.1 (Eclair) menggabungkan fungsi walkman yang menghibur dengan prinsip dasar smartphone, seperti aplikasi, peta dan email.

Ponsel berlayar 3 inci, dilengkapi kamera 3,2 megapixel, fungsi perekam video dan jack headphone 3,5mm, memori internal 2GB, Timescape™ yang menunjukkan semua komunikasi Anda dalam satu tempat, akses cepat Internet via 3G dan Wi-Fi.

Dengan platform Android, pengguna bisa mengunduh aplikasi di Android Market™ yang menawarkan lebih dari 150.000 aplikasi.

Sayangnya, ponsel Android Walkman™ pertama itu tidak menggunakan sistem operasi terbaru dari Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) dan Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) yang memiliki fitur lebih kaya dan akses lebih cepat dari sebelumnya.

Djunaidi menjelaskan, "Android Eclair sudah dapat memberikat kemampuan optimal dan pengalaman yang memuaskan kepada pengguna."

Sony Ericcson Indonesia juga melancarkan berbagai strategi penjualan di pasar dengan mengusung multi platform dan memberikan pengalaman hiburan yang sepenuhnya terhadap pengguna.

"Kami Sony menganut paham multi platform jadi tidak terpaku dengan satu platform saja," katanya.

Saat ini, Sony menggunakan sistem operasi Symbian dan Android.

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Android (sistem operasi)

Android robot.svg
Android screenshot.png
Android 2.3 Gingerbread
Situs web:
Google Inc.,
Open Handset Alliance
Model kode sumber: Perangkat lunak bebas dan bersumber terbuka
Rilis terbaru
 • Stabil: 2.3.3 (Gingerbread) [1] / 9 Februari 2011; 3 bulan yang lalu (2011-02-09)[1]
Tipe kernel: Monolitik (Linux)
Lisensi: Apache 2.0 dan GPLv2[2]
Status: Aktif

Android adalah sistem operasi untuk telepon seluler yang berbasis Linux. Android menyediakan platform terbuka bagi para pengembang buat menciptakan aplikasi mereka sendiri untuk digunakan oleh bermacam peranti bergerak. Awalnya, Google Inc. membeli Android Inc., pendatang baru yang membuat peranti lunak untuk ponsel. Kemudian untuk mengembangkan Android, dibentuklah Open Handset Alliance, konsorsium dari 34 perusahaan peranti keras, peranti lunak, dan telekomunikasi, termasuk Google, HTC, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, T-Mobile, dan Nvidia.
Pada saat perilisan perdana Android, 5 November 2007, Android bersama Open Handset Alliance menyatakan mendukung pengembangan standar terbuka pada perangkat seluler. Di lain pihak, Google merilis kode–kode Android di bawah lisensi Apache, sebuah lisensi perangkat lunak dan standar terbuka perangkat seluler.
Di dunia ini terdapat dua jenis distributor sistem operasi Android. Pertama yang mendapat dukungan penuh dari Google atau Google Mail Services (GMS) dan kedua adalah yang benar–benar bebas distribusinya tanpa dukungan langsung Google atau dikenal sebagai Open Handset Distribution (OHD).

[sunting] Kerjasama dengan Android Inc.

Pada Juli 2000, Google bekerjasama dengan Android Inc., perusahaan yang berada di Palo Alto, California Amerika Serikat. Para pendiri Android Inc. bekerja pada Google, di antaranya Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears, dan Chris White. Saat itu banyak yang menganggap fungsi Android Inc. hanyalah sebagai perangkat lunak pada telepon seluler. Sejak saat itu muncul rumor bahwa Google hendak memasuki pasar telepon seluler. Di perusahaan Google, tim yang dipimpin Rubin bertugas mengembangkan program perangkat seluler yang didukung oleh kernel Linux. Hal ini menunjukkan indikasi bahwa Google sedang bersiap menghadapi persaingan dalam pasar telepon seluler. versi android terbaru yaitu versi 3.0. Android juga sudah bergabung dengan beberapa smart mobile seperti Nokia, Sony Ericsson, dan lainnya.

[sunting] 2007-2008: Produk awal

Sekitar September 2007 sebuah studi melaporkan bahwa Google mengajukan hak paten aplikasi telepon seluler (akhirnya Google mengenalkan Nexus One, salah satu jenis telepon pintar GSM yang menggunakan Android pada sistem operasinya. Telepon seluler ini diproduksi oleh HTC Corporation dan tersedia di pasaran pada 5 Januari 2010).
Pada 9 Desember 2008, diumumkan anggota baru yang bergabung dalam program kerja Android ARM Holdings, Atheros Communications, diproduksi oleh Asustek Computer Inc, Garmin Ltd, Softbank, Sony Ericsson, Toshiba Corp, dan Vodafone Group Plc. Seiring pembentukan Open Handset Alliance, OHA mengumumkan produk perdana mereka, Android, perangkat bergerak (mobile) yang merupakan modifikasi kernel Linux 2.6. Sejak Android dirilis telah dilakukan berbagai pembaruan berupa perbaikan bug dan penambahan fitur baru.
Telepon pertama yang memakai sistem operasi Android adalah HTC Dream, yang dirilis pada 22 Oktober 2008. Pada penghujung tahun 2009 diperkirakan di dunia ini paling sedikit terdapat 18 jenis telepon seluler yang menggunakan Android.

[sunting] Android versi 1.1

Pada 9 Maret 2009, Google merilis Android versi 1.1. Android versi ini dilengkapi dengan pembaruan estetis pada aplikasi, jam alarm, voice search (pencarian suara), pengiriman pesan dengan Gmail, dan pemberitahuan email.

[sunting] Android versi 1.5 (Cupcake)

Pada pertengahan Mei 2009, Google kembali merilis telepon seluler dengan menggunakan Android dan SDK (Software Development Kit) dengan versi 1.5 (Cupcake). Terdapat beberapa pembaruan termasuk juga penambahan beberapa fitur dalam seluler versi ini yakni kemampuan merekam dan menonton video dengan modus kamera, mengunggah video ke Youtube dan gambar ke Picasa langsung dari telepon, dukungan Bluetooth A2DP, kemampuan terhubung secara otomatis ke headset Bluetooth, animasi layar, dan keyboard pada layar yang dapat disesuaikan dengan sistem.

[sunting] Android versi 1.6 (Donut)

Donut (versi 1.6) dirilis pada September dengan menampilkan proses pencarian yang lebih baik dibanding sebelumnya, penggunaan baterai indikator dan kontrol applet VPN. Fitur lainnya adalah galeri yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk memilih foto yang akan dihapus; kamera, camcorder dan galeri yang dintegrasikan; CDMA / EVDO, 802.1x, VPN, Gestures, dan Text-to-speech engine; kemampuan dial kontak; teknologi text to change speech (tidak tersedia pada semua ponsel; pengadaan resolusi VWGA.

[sunting] Android versi 2.0/2.1 (Eclair)

Pada 3 Desember 2009 kembali diluncurkan ponsel Android dengan versi 2.0/2.1 (Eclair), perubahan yang dilakukan adalah pengoptimalan hardware, peningkatan Google Maps 3.1.2, perubahan UI dengan browser baru dan dukungan HTML5, daftar kontak yang baru, dukungan flash untuk kamera 3,2 MP, digital Zoom, dan Bluetooth 2.1.
Untuk bergerak cepat dalam persaingan perangkat generasi berikut, Google melakukan investasi dengan mengadakan kompetisi aplikasi mobile terbaik (killer apps - aplikasi unggulan). Kompetisi ini berhadiah $25,000 bagi setiap pengembang aplikasi terpilih. Kompetisi diadakan selama dua tahap yang tiap tahapnya dipilih 50 aplikasi terbaik.
Dengan semakin berkembangnya dan semakin bertambahnya jumlah handset Android, semakin banyak pihak ketiga yang berminat untuk menyalurkan aplikasi mereka kepada sistem operasi Android. Aplikasi terkenal yang diubah ke dalam sistem operasi Android adalah Shazam, Backgrounds, dan WeatherBug. Sistem operasi Android dalam situs Internet juga dianggap penting untuk menciptakan aplikasi Android asli, contohnya oleh MySpace dan Facebook.

[sunting] Android versi 2.2 (Froyo: Frozen Yoghurt)

Pada 20 Mei 2010, Android versi 2.2 (Froyo) diluncurkan. Perubahan-perubahan umumnya terhadap versi-versi sebelumnya antara lain dukungan Adobe Flash 10.1, kecepatan kinerja dan aplikasi 2 sampai 5 kali lebih cepat, intergrasi V8 JavaScript engine yang dipakai Google Chrome yang mempercepat kemampuan rendering pada browser, pemasangan aplikasi dalam SD Card, kemampuan WiFi Hotspot portabel, dan kemampuan auto update dalam aplikasi Android Market.

[sunting] Android versi 2.3 (Gingerbread)

Pada 6 Desember 2010, Android versi 2.3 (Gingerbread) diluncurkan. Perubahan-perubahan umum yang didapat dari Android versi ini antara lain peningkatan kemampuan permainan (gaming), peningkatan fungsi copy paste, layar antar muka (User Interface) didesain ulang, dukungan format video VP8 dan WebM, efek audio baru (reverb, equalization, headphone virtualization, dan bass boost), dukungan kemampuan Near Field Communication (NFC), dan dukungan jumlah kamera yang lebih dari satu.

[sunting] Android versi 3.0 (Honeycomb)

Android Honeycomb dirancang khusus untuk tablet. Android versi ini mendukung ukuran layar yang lebih besar. User Interface pada Honeycomb juga berbeda karena sudah didesain untuk tablet. Honeycomb juga mendukung multi prosesor dan juga akselerasi perangkat keras (hardware) untuk grafis. Tablet pertama yang dibuat dengan menjalankan Honeycomb adalah Motorola Xoom. Perangkat tablet dengan platform Android 3.0 akan segera hadir di Indonesia. Perangkat tersebut bernama Eee Pad Transformer produksi dari Asus. Rencana masuk pasar Indonesia pada Mei 2011.

[sunting] Fitur

Fitur yang tersedia di Android adalah:
  • Kerangka aplikasi: itu memungkinkan penggunaan dan penghapusan komponen yang tersedia.
  • Dalvik mesin virtual: mesin virtual dioptimalkan untuk perangkat mobile.
  • Grafik: grafik di 2D dan grafis 3D berdasarkan pustaka OpenGL.
  • SQLite: untuk penyimpanan data.
  • Mendukung media: audio, video, dan berbagai format gambar (MPEG4, H.264, MP3,
  • GSM, Bluetooth, EDGE, 3G, dan WiFi (hardware dependent)
  • Kamera, Global Positioning System (GPS), kompas, dan accelerometer (tergantung hardware)

[sunting] Android bagi komunitas sumber terbuka (open source)

Android memiliki berbagai keunggulan sebagai software yang memakai basis kode komputer yang bisa didistribusikan secara terbuka (open source) sehingga pengguna bisa membuat aplikasi baru di dalamnya. Android memiliki aplikasi native Google yang terintegrasi seperti pushmail Gmail, Google Maps, dan Google Calendar.
Para penggemar open source kemudian membangun komunitas yang membangun dan berbagi Android berbasis firmware dengan sejumlah penyesuaian dan fitur-fitur tambahan, seperti FLAC lossless audio dan kemampuan untuk menyimpan download aplikasi pada microSD card. Mereka sering memperbaharui paket-paket firmware dan menggabungkan elemen-elemen fungsi Android yang belum resmi diluncurkan dalam suatu carrier-sanction firmware.

[sunting] Referensi

[sunting] Catatan kaki

  1. ^ a b Asad, Taimur (9 February 2011). "Android 2.3.3 Platform, New NFC Capabilities". Android Developers Blog. Diakses pada 9 Februari 2011. 
  2. ^ "Licenses". Android Open Source Project. Open Handset Alliance. Diakses pada 22 Oktober 2008. 

[sunting] Lihat pula

[sunting] Pranala luar

ANDROID, New UI Framework for creating great tablet apps

Activity fragments, for greater control of content and design flexibility
Starting with Android 3.0, developers can break the Activities of their applications into subcomponents called Fragments, then combine them in a variety of ways to create a richer, more interactive experience. For example, an application can use a set of Fragments to create a true multipane UI, with the user being able to interact with each pane independently. Fragments can be added, removed, replaced, and animated inside an Activity dynamically, and they are modular and reusable across multiple Activities. Because they are modular, Fragments also offer an efficient way for developers to write applications that can run properly on both larger screen as well as smaller screen devices.
Redesigned UI widgets
Android 3.0 offers an updated set of UI widgets that developers can use to quickly add new types of content to their applications. The new UI widgets are redesigned for use on larger screens such as tablets and incorporate the new holographic UI theme. Several new widget types are available, including a 3D stack, search box, a date/time picker, number picker, calendar, popup menu, and others. Most of the redesigned UI widgets can now be used as remote views in application widgets displayed on the home screen. Applications written for earlier versions can inherit the new Widget designs and themes.
Expanded Home screen widgets
Home screen widgets are popular with users because they offer fast access to application-specific data directly from the home screen. Android 3.0 lets developers take home screen widgets to the next level, offering more types of content and new modes of interaction with users. Developers can now use more standard UI widget types home screen widgets, including widgets that let users flip through collections of content as 3D stacks, grids, or lists. Users can interact with the home screen widgets in new ways, such as by using touch gestures to scroll and flip the content displayed in a widget.
Persistent Action Bar
The platform provides each application with its own instance of the Action Bar at the top of the screen, which the application can use to give the user quick access to contextual options, widgets, status, navigation, and more. The application can also customize the display theme of its Action Bar instance. The Action Bar lets developers expose more features of their applications to users in a familiar location, while also unifying the experience of using an application that spans multiple Activities or states.
Richer notifications
Notifications are a key part of the Android user experience because they let applications show key updates and status information to users in real time. Android 3.0 extends this capability, letting developers include richer content and control more properties. A new builder class lets developers quickly create notifications that include large and small icons, a title, a priority flag, and any properties already available in previous versions. Notifications can offer more types of content by building on the expanded set of UI Widgets that are now available as remote Views.
Multiselect, clipboard, and drag-and-drop
The platform offers convenient new interaction modes that developers can use. For managing collections of items in lists or grids, developers can offer a new multiselect mode that lets users choose multiple items for an action. Developers can also use a new system-wide Clipboard to let users easily copy any type of data into and out of their applications. To make it easier for users to manage and organize files, developers can now add drag-and-drop interaction through a DragEvent framework.

High-performance 2D and 3D graphics

New animation framework
The platform includes a flexible new animation framework that lets developers easily animate the properties of UI elements such as Views, Widgets, Fragments, Drawables, or any arbitrary object. Animations can create fades or movement between states, loop an animated image or an existing animation, change colors, and much more. Adding animation to UI elements can add visual interest to an application and refine the user experience, to keep users engaged.
Hardware-accelerated 2D graphics
Android 3.0 offers a new hardware-accelerated OpenGL renderer that gives a performance boost to many common graphics operations for applications running in the Android framework. When the renderer is enabled, most operations in Canvas, Paint, Xfermode, ColorFilter, Shader, and Camera are accelerated. Developers can control how hardware-acceleration is applied at every level, from enabling it globally in an application to enabling it in specific Activities and Views inside the application.
Renderscript 3D graphics engine
Renderscript is a runtime 3D framework that provides both an API for building 3D scenes as well as a special, platform-independent shader language for maximum performance. Using Renderscript, you can accelerate graphics operations and data processing. Renderscript is an ideal way to create high-performance 3D effects for applications, wallpapers, carousels, and more.

Support for multicore processor architectures

Android 3.0 is the first version of the platform designed to run on either single or multicore processor architectures. A variety of changes in the Dalvik VM, Bionic library, and elsewhere add support for symmetric multiprocessing in multicore environments. These optimizations can benefit all applications, even those that are single-threaded. For example, with two active cores, a single-threaded application might still see a performance boost if the Dalvik garbage collector runs on the second core. The system will arrange for this automatically.

Rich multimedia and connectivity

HTTP Live streaming
Applications can now pass an M3U playlist URL to the media framework to begin an HTTP Live streaming session. The media framework supports most of the HTTP Live streaming specification, including adaptive bit rate.
Pluggable DRM framework
Android 3.0 includes an extensible DRM framework that lets applications manage protected content according to a variety of DRM mechanisms that may be available on the device. For application developers, the framework API offers an consistent, unified API that simplifies the management of protected content, regardless of the underlying DRM engines.
Digital media file transfer
The platform includes built-in support for Media/Picture Transfer Protocol (MTP/PTP) over USB, which lets users easily transfer any type of media files between devices and to a host computer. Developers can build on this support, creating applications that let users create or manage media files that they may want to transfer or share across devices.
More types of connectivity
The platform offers new connectivity that developers can build on. API support for Bluetooth A2DP and HSP profiles lets applications query Bluetooth profiles for connected devices, audio state, and more, then notify the user. For example, a music application can check connectivity and status and let the user know that music is playing through a stereo headset. Applications can also register to receive system broadcasts of pre-defined vendor-specific AT commands, such as Platronics Xevent. For example, an application could receive broadcasts that indicate a connected device's battery level and could notify the user or take other action as needed. Applications can also take advantage of the platform's new support for full keyboards connected by USB or Bluetooth.

Enhancements for enterprise

In Android 3.0, developers of device administration applications can support new types of policies, including policies for encrypted storage, password expiration, password history, and password complex characters required.

Compatibility with existing apps

Android 3.0 brings a new UI designed for tablets and other larger screen devices, but it also is fully compatible with applications developed for earlier versions of the platform, or for smaller screen sizes. Existing applications can seamlessly participate in the new holographic UI theme without code changes, by adding a single attribute in their manifest files. The platform emulates the Menu key, which is replaced by the overflow menu in the Action Bar in the new UI. Developers wanting to take fuller advantage of larger screen sizes can also create dedicated layouts and assets for larger screens and add them to their existing applications.

New User Features ANDROID 3.0

New UI designed from the ground up for tablets

Android 3.0 is a new version of the Android platform that is specifically optimized for devices with larger screen sizes, particularly tablets. It introduces a brand new, truly virtual and “holographic” UI design, as well as an elegant, content-focused interaction model.
Android 3.0 builds on the things people love most about Android — refined multitasking, rich notifications, Home screen customization, widgets, and more — and transforms them with a vibrant, 3D experience and deeper interactivity, making them familiar but even better than before.
The new UI brings fresh paradigms for interaction, navigation, and customization and makes them available to all applications — even those built for earlier versions of the platform. Applications written for Android 3.0 are able to use an extended set of UI objects, powerful graphics, and media capabilities to engage users in new ways.
System Bar, for global status and notifications
Across the system and in all applications, users have quick access to notifications, system status, and soft navigation buttons in a System Bar, available at the bottom of the screen. The System Bar is always present and is a key touchpoint for users, but in a new "lights out mode" can also be dimmed for full-screen viewing, such as for videos.
Action Bar, for application control
In every application, users have access to contextual options, navigation, widgets, or other types of content in an Action Bar, displayed at the top of the screen. The Action Bar is always present when an application is in use, although its content, theme, and other properties are managed by the application rather than the system. The Action Bar is another key touchpoint for users, especially with action items and an overflow dropdown menu, which users frequently access in a similar manner in most applications.
Customizable Home screens
Five customizable Home screens give users instant access to all parts of the system from any context. Each screen offers a large grid that maintains spatial arrangement in all orientations. Users can select and manipulate Home screen widgets, app shortcuts, and wallpapers using a dedicated visual layout mode. Visual cues and drop shadows improve visibility when adjusting the layout of shortcuts and widgets. Each Home screen also offers a familiar launcher for access to all installed applications, as well as a Search box for universal search of apps, contacts, media files, web content, and more.
Recent Apps, for easy visual multitasking
Multitasking is a key strength of Android and it is central to the Android 3.0 experience. As users launch applications to handle various tasks, they can use the Recent Apps list in the System Bar to see the tasks underway and quickly jump from one application context to another. To help users rapidly identify the task associated with each app, the list shows a snapshot of its actual state when the user last viewed it.

Redesigned keyboard

The Android soft keyboard is redesigned to make entering text fast and accurate on larger screen sizes. The keys are reshaped and repositioned for improved targeting, and new keys have been added, such as a Tab key, to provide richer and more efficient text input. Users can touch-hold keys to access menus of special characters and switch text/voice input modes from a button in the System Bar.

Improved text selection, copy and paste

When entering or viewing text, a new UI lets users quickly select a word by press-hold and then adjust the selection area as needed by dragging a set of bounding arrows to new positions. Users can then select an action from the Action Bar, such as copy to the clipboard, share, paste, web search, or find.

New connectivity options

Android 3.0 includes new connectivity features that add versatility and convenience for users. Built-in support for Media/Picture Transfer Protocol lets users instantly sync media files with a USB-connected camera or desktop computer, without needing to mount a USB mass-storage device. Users can also connect full keyboards over either USB or Bluetooth, for a familiar text-input environment. For improved wi-fi connectivity, a new combo scan reduces scan times across bands and filters. New support for Bluetooth tethering means that more types of devices can share the network connection of an Android-powered device.

Updated set of standard apps

The Android 3.0 platform includes an updated set of standard applications that are designed for use on larger screen devices. The sections below highlight some of the new features.
Browser The browser includes new features that let users navigate and organize more efficiently. Multiple tabs replace browser windows and a new “incognito” mode allows anonymous browsing. Bookmarks and history are presented and managed in a single unified view. Users can now choose to automatically sign into Google sites on the browser with a supplied account and sync bookmarks with Google Chrome. New multitouch support is now available to JavaScript and plugins. Users can enjoy a better browsing experience at non-mobile sites through an improved zoom and viewport model, overflow scrolling, support for fixed positioning, and more.
Camera and Gallery
The Camera application has been redesigned to take advantage of a larger screen for quick access to exposure, focus, flash, zoom, front-facing camera, and more. To let users capture scenes in new ways, it adds built-in support for time-lapse video recording. The Gallery application lets users view albums and other collections in full-screen mode, with easy access to thumbnails for other photos in the collection.
The Contacts app uses a new two-pane UI and Fast Scroll to let users easily organize and locate contacts. The application offers improved formatting of international phone numbers as user types, based on home country and an international number parsing library. Contact information is presented in a card-like UI, making it easier for users to read and edit contacts.
The Email application uses a new two-pane UI to make viewing and organizing messages more efficient. The app lets users select one or more messages, then select an action from the Action Bar, such as moving them to a folder. Users can sync attachments for later viewing and keep track of email using a home screen Widget.

New User Features ANDROID

Figure 1. An Android 3.1 Home screen.

UI refinements

The Android 3.1 platform adds a variety of refinements to make the user interface more intuitive and more efficient to use.
UI transitions are improved throughout the system and across the standard apps. The Launcher animation is optimized for faster, smoother transition to and from the Apps list. Adjustments in color, positioning, and text make UI elements easier to see, understand, and use. Accessibility is improved with consistent audible feedback throughout the UI and a new setting to let users customize the touch-hold interval to meet their needs.
Navigation to and from the five home screens is now easier — touching the Home button in the system bar now takes you to the home screen most recently used. Settings offers an improved view of internal storage, showing the storage used by a larger set of file types.

Connectivity for USB accessories

Android 3.1 adds broad platform support for a variety of USB-connected peripherals and accessories. Users can attach many types of input devices (keyboards, mice, game controllers) and digital cameras. Applications can build on the platform’s USB support to extend connectivity to almost any type of USB device.
The platform also adds new support for USB accessories — external hardware devices designed to attach to Android-powered devices as USB hosts. When an accessory is attached, the framework will look for a corresponding application and offer to launch it for the user. The accessory can also present a URL to the user, for downloading an appropriate application if one is not already installed. Users can interact with the application to control powered accessories such as robotics controllers; docking stations; diagnostic and musical equipment; kiosks; card readers; and much more.
The platform’s USB capabilities rely on components in device hardware, so support for USB on specific devices may vary and is determined by device manufacturers.

Figure 2. The Recent Apps menu is now expandable and scrollable.

Expanded Recent Apps list

For improved multitasking and instant visual access to a much larger number of apps, the Recent Apps list is now expandable. Users can now scroll the list of recent apps vertically to see thumbnail images all of the tasks in progress and recently used apps, then touch a thumbnail to jump back into that task.

Resizeable Home screen widgets

For more flexible Home screen customization, users can now resize their Home screen widgets using drag bars provided by the system. Users can expand widgets both horizontally and/or vertically to include more content, where supported by each widget.

Support for external keyboards and pointing devices

Users can now attach almost any type of external keyboard or mouse to their Android-powered devices, to create a familiar environment and work more efficiently. One or more input devices can be attached to the system simultaneously over USB and/or Bluetooth HID, in any combination. No special configuration or driver is needed, in most cases. When multiple devices are connected, users can conveniently manage the active keyboard and IME using the keyboard settings that are available from the System bar.
For pointing devices, the platform supports most types of mouse with a single button and optionally a scroll wheel, as well as similar devices such as trackballs. When these are connected, users can interact with the UI using point, select, drag, scroll, hover, and other standard actions.

Support for joysticks and gamepads

To make the platform even better for gaming, Android 3.1 adds support for most PC joysticks and gamepads that are connected over USB or Bluetooth HID.
For example, users can connect Sony Playstation™ 3 and XBox 360™ game controllers over USB (but not Bluetooth), Logitech Dual Action™ gamepads and flight sticks, or a car racing controller. Game controllers that use proprietary networking or pairing are not supported by default, but in general, the platform supports most PC-connectible joysticks and gamepads.

Robust Wi-Fi networking

Android 3.1 adds robust Wi-Fi features, to make sure that users and their apps can take full advantage of higher-speed Wi-Fi access at home, at work, and while away.
A new high-performance Wi-Fi lock lets applications maintain high-performance Wi-Fi connections even when the device screen is off. Users can take advantage of this to play continuous streamed music, video, and voice services for long periods, even when the device is otherwise idle and the screen is off.
Users can now configure an HTTP proxy for each individual Wi-Fi access point, by touch-hold of the access point in Settings. The browser uses the HTTP proxy when communicating with the network over the access point and other apps may also choose to do so. The platform also provides backup and restore of the user-defined IP and proxy settings.
The platform adds support for Preferred Network Offload (PNO), a background scanning capability that conserves battery power savings in cases where Wi-Fi needs to be available continuously for long periods of time.

Updated set of standard apps

The Android 3.1 platform includes an updated set of standard applications that are optimized for use on larger screen devices. The sections below highlight some of the new features.

Figure 3. Quick Controls menu in the Browser.
The Browser app includes a variety of new features and UI improvements that make viewing web content simpler, faster, and more convenient.
The Quick Controls UI, accessible from Browser Settings, is extended and redesigned. Users can now use the controls to view thumbnails of open tabs and close the active tab, as well as access the overflow menu for instant access to Settings and other controls.
To ensure a consistent viewing experience, the Browser extends it's support for popular web standards such as CSS 3D, animations, and CSS fixed positioning to all sites, mobile or desktop. It also adds support for embedded playback of HTML5 video content. To make it easier to manage favorite content, users can now save a web page locally for offline viewing, including all styling and images. For convenience when visiting Google sites, an improved auto-login UI lets users sign in quickly and manage access when multiple users are sharing a device.
For best performance, the Browser adds support for plugins that use hardware accelerated rendering. Page zoom performance is also dramatically improved, making it faster to navigate and view web pages.
The Gallery app now supports Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP), so that users can connect their cameras over USB and import their pictures to Gallery with a single touch. The app also copies the pictures to local storage and provides an indicator to let users see how much space is available.

Figure 4. Home screen widgets can now be resized.
Calendar grids are larger, for better readability and more accurate touch-targeting. Additionally, users can create a larger viewing area for grids by hiding the calendar list controls. Controls in the date picker are redesigned, making them easier to see and use.
The Contacts app now lets you locate contacts more easily using full text search. Search returns matching results from all fields that are stored for a contact.
When replying or forwarding an HTML message, The Email app now sends both plain text and HTML bodies as a multi-part mime message. This ensures that the message will be formatted properly for all recipients. Folder prefixes for IMAP accounts are now easier to define and manage. To conserve battery power and minimize cell data usage, the application now prefetches email from the server only when the device is connected to a Wi-Fi access point.
An updated Home screen widget give users quick access to more email. Users can touch Email icon at the top of the widget to cycle through labels such as Inbox, Unread, and Starred. The widget itself is now resizable, both horizontally and vertically.

Enterprise support

Users can now configure an HTTP proxy for each connected Wi-Fi access point. This lets administrators work with users to set a proxy hostname, port, and any bypass subdomains. This proxy configuration is automatically used by the Browser when the Wi-Fi access point is connected, and may optionally be used by other apps. The proxy and IP configuration is now backed up and restored across system updates and resets.
To meet the needs of tablet users, the platform now allows a "encrypted storage card" device policy to be accepted on devices with emulated storage cards and encrypted primary storage.